Eveready Batteries
Eveready Batteries
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What's Happening

Simple circuits using batteries
Simple circuits using batteriesDate: 13 Apr 2013

Have you ever heard your jumper crackle when you take it off? This is caused by teeny-tiny electric charges on your clothes, and called static electricity.

Eveready. Positively South African.
Eveready. Positively South African.Date: 27 Mar 2013

The world is full of positive and negative forces, they’re in batteries of course, there’s positive and negative charges and of positive and negative attitudes. Eveready is embarking on a campaign, Positively South African, a campaign to overcome negativity.

Choosing the best batteries
Choosing the best batteriesDate: 13 Mar 2013

Have you ever bought, and used batteries that just didn’t last as long as they should have? More than likely, you have used the wrong battery type for your device. .

Battery Trends
Battery TrendsDate: 05 Mar 2013

New findings from the Neilson report have identified the top five major factors on grocery purchases are: price, transportation costs, health, enhanced nutrition and package labeling.

Eveready alkaline batteries powers up its market share
Eveready alkaline batteries powers up its market shareDate: 03 Oct 2012

The latest Neilsen report is out, and the Eveready alkaline, Platinum, which was the last to enter the South African battery market, has achieved its greatest market share – ever

Eveready Torch Walk
Eveready Torch WalkDate: 05 Sep 2012

The Birches - an International Eco-school held its annual Eveready Torch Walk. The Theme for the school year has been 'SUSTAINABLE ENERGY FOR ALL' and this was carried through to the Walk.

Eveready TV ad for Platinum Plus batteries that seem to last forevereverDate: 12 Sep 2011

Eveready has a new TV ad for the Platinum Plus battery that seems to last foreverever... Platinum Plus is South Africa's Longest Lasting battery as per IEC and SABS tests. Tell us what you think.

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