This is the best alkaline battery for any consumer looking for a premium quality, value for money and trusted alkaline product. Platinum is the best battery for high drain flashlights, remote controls, digital clocks and battery operated toys.
Platinum Plus
This is the battery for the modern consumer. It is ideal for higher drain devices. This is the best battery for gaming consoles like Wii, Xbox and Playstation as well as digital cameras. The Platinum battery is proven to last five times longer than the Eveready Zinc Chloride batteries.
Digital Lithium
Never miss a moment with our Eveready Digital Lithium battery. Eveready has the best battery for digital cameras. Take over 600 photos with your digital camera without having to change the battery. Eveready Lithium is also the best battery for MP3 players and wireless peripherals.
powerplus SILVER
The number one battery bought in South Africa, and for good reason. The Eveready Power Plus battery is the best battery for a basic torch, and for use in radios and clocks.
powerplus GOLD
South Africa’s best zinc chloride battery, Power Plus Gold, is the value alternative to the more expensive alkaline products found in stores.
Button Cells
Eveready Button Cells are ideal for various everyday items such as watches, calculators, alarm clocks, and car keys. These small single-cell batteries are designed to have a long shelf-life.
Speciality Batteries
Eveready Speciality Batteries are ideal for gate motors, alarm systems, and CCTV cameras.
Portable Power Unit
The PORTABLE POWER UNIT stores electricity generated by the solar panel or conventional electic charging. ( Using the USB or AC Adapter provided).